Sunday 8 September 2019

What are the F1 through F12 keys?

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Important keys

  • Computer keyboard:

 Computer Keyboard Have you ever looked closely at the top line of your computer keyboard?  It does not look like a straight-12 pillar road, a straight-12 road from F1 to F12.  These 12 keys are of great use.  With the help of these, how can you work on the computer faster.

(FuNction key) A keyboard modifier key that works like a Shift key to activate a second function on a dual-purpose key. Commonly found on laptop keyboards, the Fn key is used to control hardware functions such as screen brightness and speaker volume.

  • Function key-1(F1)

If you press this key as soon as the computer is switched on, the setup of the computer (CMOS) will open, in which the sensitive computer settings can be viewed or changed.  - If you have opened Windows, pressing this key will open the Windows Help and Support dialog, showing solutions to common problems.  - If you are working in Internet Explorer browser, then pressing this key will open the help page of this browser.  - Pressing this key in the Chrome browser will open the help center of Google Chrome.  - On pressing Control F1 in Microsoft Word, the software will run in full screen mode.  Pressing again will return to normal.

  • Function key-2(F2)

 F2 - After clicking on a file, icon or folder in Windows, pressing F2 can be quickly renamed.  - By pressing Control F2 in Microsoft Word, the print preview page will open, which shows how your document will look when it is printed.  - Pressing Alt Control F2 in Microsoft Word opens the File Open dialog box.

  • Function key-3(F3)

 F3 - Pressing F3 in Windows opens the search box, which can be used to search for files or folders.  - On pressing Shift F3 in Microsoft Word, English selected matter can be changed to upper case or lower case.  - Pressing F3 in Microsoft DOS or Command Prompt window retypes the previously typed command.

  • Function key-4(F4)

 F4 - In Windows Explorer (Computer, My Computer, etc.) pressing it opens the address bar.  In Internet Explorer, the address bar opens to enter the website address.  - Pressing this key in Microsoft Word will repeat the same thing you just did.  If you have typed a word, it will be typed again.  If the table is created then another table will be created.  If a text is bolded it will be normal and bold again.  - Pressing Alt F4 will stop the software that is currently open.  - Pressing Control F4 will close the existing windows out of several windows open within a software.  For example, one of the many tabs open in Internet Explorer will be closed or one of the many documents opened in Word will be closed.

  • Function key-5(F5)

 F5 - It works as a refresh key.  If a folder is not visible after copying in Windows, then press it, it will be visible.  It is used a lot to refresh or reload web pages appearing in Internet browsers.  - Find and replace dialog opens when you press it in Microsoft Word.  - Pressing F5 in PowerPoint turns on the slideshow.  - Find and Replace facility opens on pressing Shift F5 in Microsoft Excel.  - Many types of brushes are exposed when pressing it in Photoshop, from which the brush of your choice can be selected.

  • Function key-6(F6)

 F6 - On pressing this, the contents of the open folders appear in the Windows taskbar.  - Pressing it in the Internet browser karsar goes to the address bar and you can type web address immediately.  - If there are many documents open in Microsoft Word, then you can use Control Shift F6 to view them one by one.

  • Function key-7(F7)

 F7 - If you press F7 after typing a document in Microsoft Word, its spelling will start checking.  - Pressing it in Internet Explorer starts the caret browsing feature, which can be used to select text, move back and forth on web pages through the keyboard.

  • Function key-8(F8)

 F8 - If you press the computer when it is started, several modes available for opening the operating system will appear, including safe mode and command prompt.  - Pressing Alt F8 in Microsoft Word starts the facility of creating macro, through which small standing instructions can be recorded for doing repetitive tasks.  - F8 can be used to select text in Microsoft Word.

  • Function key-9(F9)
 F9 - Use it to send and receive emails in Microsoft Outlook.  - When pressing this in Quark Express, the measurement toolbar opens.  - In some laptops, brightness of the screen can be controlled by pressing it.

  • Function key-10(F10)

 F10 - While working in a software, pressing this key activates the menu bar, as if you have clicked there.  - Pressing Shift F10 simultaneously has exactly the same effect as a mouse right click.  Try pressing these keys on a link in an icon, file, or Internet Explorer, the context menu will open.  - Control F10 can be used to minimize (maximize - maximize) the window of Microsoft Word.

  • Function key-11(F11)

 F11 - Try it to activate-disable fullscreen in browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome etc.  - Pressing Alt F11 opens the Visual Basic Code window in Microsoft Office software, which is used by expert users.
  • Function key-12(F12)

 F12 - On pressing this in Microsoft Word, the Save As .. dialog box opens.  - Microsoft Word document is saved with Shift F12.  - Control Shift F12 prints the open document in Microsoft Word.


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