Thursday 7 November 2019


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                      Hardware Tricks

  • You know what SSD is?  What is the difference between SSD and Hard Disk?

 If you have ever bought a new laptop or desktop computer, you must have heard the name of SSD because it is becoming very popular nowadays and has become a major reason for computer speed.  If you do not know what SSD is and how it works, then keep reading this post further because in this we will learn about what it is?  Let's know how it works and how it is different from Hard disk.

 What is SSD?  What is SSD
 Friends, SSD has a full form of Solid State Drive.  It also works like storing data like the hard disk available on our computer, but the Hard Disk works fast. There is a lot of reason behind its fast work, but if directly put, the SSD hard disk is updated or  There is a new version which has been made using new technology, it is lighter and smaller in weight as compared to the ordinary hard disk and also merengue.

 SSD has been invented to make the computer efficient fast and less power consuming, and the special thing about SSD is that it is very efficient and less power consuming than HDD.  SSD is a form of flash storage in the same way that memory cards or pen drives are.

 There are many types of SSDs that have been divided according to their connectivity and speed, which is something like this.

 SATA SSD in Hindi
 This type of SSD looks similar to a laptop Hard Drive that supports a simple SATA connector, just like a Hard Disk.  This is the simplest form factor of SSD that you can identify by looking at it.  Firstly similar SSDs came in the market and still runs.  Such SSDs can be used in any PC running nowadays.

 2) mSATA SSD:

 MTS-SSD in Hindi
 mSATA ie micro SATA SSD is different from normal SATA SSD in both connectivity and form factor. It is very small in size and quite different in appearance from the normal SSD, it looks like a normal RAM stick and in terms of connectivity.  If it cannot be used in every PC, it is very important to have your PC SATA port to use it. Such SSDs are used in laptops.

 3) M.2 SSD:
 M.2 SSD in Hindi

 Such SSDs are similar in appearance to mSATA but it is an updated version which is faster than SATA but despite being small, it supports both types of connectivity ie you connect it to the normal SATA cable as well.  MSATA is more like a PCI-E express port than can and mSATA, but it is a little smaller and specially used to connect such SSDs.

 4) SSHD:
 SSHD in Hindi
 SSHD cannot be completely called SSD because it is made up of both Solid State Drive and Hard Disk. It has some memory of SSD and some Hard Disk, ie it is the thing between both Hard Disk and SSD.  Used in today's laptops.

 How does SSD work?

 As you know, there is a magnetic disk in the Hard Disk, with the help of rotation, the data transfer and access to the Hard Disk is known.  But in SSD this does not happen, all the work is done by semiconductor, it takes many cheaps, just like RAM and because the semiconductor communicates better than the magnet, so it is so fast.

 Difference Between SSD and HDD:

 The speed ​​of SSD is faster than Hard Disk while Hard Disk is much slower than SSD.
 If you talk about power, then Hard Disk has very little power.
 The SSD is also smaller in size than a normal Hard Disk and since a Hard Disk is a mechanical drive that runs on the disk, it also gives a little noise while the SSD is a Flash storage device with chips in it.  It does not noise at all.
 SSD is much more expensive than a Hard Disk, if you take a 120 GB SSD drive, it may cost you around Rs 4,000 whereas if you buy a Hard Disk of the same price, you can buy a Hard Disk with storage up to 1TB.
 This is all right, but now let's talk about what is better for us.

 Which Hard Should I Put on My PC?
 Friends, the answer to this question depends entirely on our need for what work we will use our PC for.  If you want to make a PC with very good performance, then you can go towards SSD but if you want to make a simple PC that you want to use in your personal use, then you can use Hard Disk very easily and  If you want, you can buy a limited size SSD and load the Operating System into it.

  •  Hard disks failing?  How to check and what to do about it…

 Each of us stores our precious files, such as personal documents, photos, videos, or audio files, usually on a hard drive.

 Since most people today use laptops and desktops, the average life of a hard drive is around 3-5 years.  However, it is based on the hard disk type and manufacturer and if the temperature changes, humidity, and speed are not constant, its life may decline rapidly.

 So it is always a good idea that your hard disk health should be checked regularly for errors and bad sectors.  Monitoring the hard disk regularly is very important if you want to avoid sudden hard disk failure without any reason.

 Your hard disk, whether mechanical or solid-state (SSD), stores all the files on your computer and without it your PC will not start.  Hard disks sometimes fail, in which case you have to buy a new hard disk.  But even more expensive deals happen when all your important data is lost when you have no backup of it.

 Modern hard disks contain something like Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, or SMART.  This means that the drive automatically checks for possible errors and reports them to the operating system.

 By checking the status of your SMART data occasionally, you can find out if your drive is at an increased risk of failure.  And, if this is happening, you can immediately back up your data.

 Although there are many free programs that will report the SMART status of your drive.

 But actually, you can check the hard disk in Windows without downloading or installing anything.

 You can use the WMIC or Windows Management Instrumentation command-line to check the status of your hard disk health.

 WMIC is a command-line and scripting interface that makes it easy to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and the system is managed through WMI.

 You can perform many administrative tasks using WMI commands, such as checking the hard disk for errors and bad sectors, repairing errors and so on.

 Check Hard Disk Health:
 Search by typing CMD in the search and right-click on Command Prompt from the result.

 Select Run As Administrator.

 CMD-Check Hard Disk Failing
 Now a command prompt window will open, in which you can type the command.

 To check the status of your drive, the required command is:


 Enter after typing this command.

 2- CHKDSK CMD-Check Hard Disk Failing
 This will show the model number and status of all your hard drives.  If OK status comes here then drive is fine.

 Otherwise, see the details about it in your favorite Search Engine to learn more about the reported problem.

 Check Hard Disk for Errors, Health, Bad Sectors in Windows
 If the above command shows an error on your hard disk, check for an error using the CHKDSK Windows tool.

 How are hard disk errors?

 Apart from the CD / DVD drive on your PC or laptop, a hard disk is the only component that has moving parts, which are 7200 revolutions per minute of speed screen, whether you are doing anything on your computer or not.  Due to this alone, wear & tear occurs and there can be bad sectors on file errors or physical disks.  Apart from this, it can also happen due to power surges in PCs (especially laptops).

 What can CHKDSK do?

 It can look at cluster errors as well as file problems.  Often, you do not know that there is an error in your hard disk until you run CHKDSK or any other program.

 You can run CHKDSK in two ways, one graphical and the other command-line version.

 To run the graphical version, open the explorer and right-click the drive to check (usually C :).

 Click on Properties.

 CHKDSK CMD - Check Hard Disk Failing

 Now the Properties window will open.  Click the Check Now button in the Tools tab.

 CHKDSK CMD - Check Hard Disk Failing

 Click Scan drive to start scanning.

 CHKDSK CMD - Check Hard Disk Failing

 Running Check Disk from the Command Line
 You can also run Check Disk from a command prompt.

 Search by typing CMD in search and right-click on Command Prompt from Result.

 Select Run As Administrator.

 CMD-Check Hard Disk Failing
 Now type this command in the command prompt-


 CHKDSK CMD - Check Hard Disk Failing
 With this command, Check Disk will start analyzing your C: drive.  But with this command, you can check your drive for error only.  Unless you give further options, it will not repair the problem.

 Run Check Disk from a Command-Line to Check for and fix Disk Errors
 To check and repair errors with chkdsk command, use this command -

 chkdsk / f C:

 CHKDSK CMD - Check Hard Disk Failing
 Here the / f disk error is for fix.

 When you use this command, Check Disk analyzes the disk and repairs any errors, provided the disk is not in use.

 If the disk is in use, Check Disk shows a prompt that asks if you want to schedule the disk to be checked the next time you restart the system.  Type Y to schedule this check.

 chkdsk c: / r

 In this example, the chkdsk command is used to perform a comprehensive test of the C: drive to detect any errors and to detect any recovery information from the bad sector.

  •  Why is my computer so slow?  WhySoSlow will tell you the answer!

 Computers tend to slide over time, regardless of which brand of PC you use.  Intentionally or unknowingly, we fill our PCs with dozens of programs, tools, files, and folders, which causes PCs to slide.  PC's attention comes to us when its speed gets worse.

 In addition, there can be many hardware issues, which are difficult to understand quickly, especially if the user computer is not an expert.

 Most PCs and laptops tend to deliver less performance over time, as hardware begins to degrade, battery life is reduced, and the PC is filled with all types of programs, files, and folders.

 While it is possible to do something about it, for example, keep cleaning the PC regularly, and it is my experience that most computer users do not do this.

 There can be many reasons for PC slowness, and it can be quite difficult to know the exact cause.  PC is slow booting, so there are software for it so that you can make your PC double fast!

 But thankfully, we have many tools which help us to increase the speed of our PC and improve its performance.

 WhySoSlow is a smart tool that runs a variety of low-level scans on your PC to detect any performance issues.

 It is free software that analyzes your system well and gives you precise details about the reasons why your PC is sloping.

 Analysis function of this program, CPU clock speed, temperature and load;  memory load;  hard page faults;  application responsiveness;  Monitors the performance of many, such as latencies, BIOS interrupt delays.

 It is a one-stop solution to check the performance of the health factors of the system.

 WhySoSlow supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 operating systems.

 These programs are very easy and you do not need any technical knowledge for this.  Its main overview tab shows -

 1) Status Panel:
 This program opens by default with the "Status" panel, which shows the details of the factors affecting the performance of the PC.

 From this Status panel, you get the following information -

 1-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue
 a) CPU Speed:

 The CPU block in the Status panel shows the speed in MHz.  On most systems, the CPU's clock speed changes because of the power saving option.

 Changing CPU power settings:

 To access Power Option on your system, select Power Configuration in the Tools tab.

 b) CPU Temperature:

 CPU temperature shows you the temperature of the CPU.

 If your processor is getting too hot, it can have an adverse effect on the performance and stability of your system.

 However, modern systems and processors have emergency protection systems, so that when it reaches a certain temperature, the system undergoes automatic trips.

 c) CPU Load:

 In this panel, the CPU load is shown in%.  The use of CPU depends on the programs and services currently running.  If multiple programs and services are running simultaneously, they use more CPU resources, which makes the CPU usage higher.

 d) Kernel Responsiveness:

 This value represents the highest time interval, in which the operating system kernel responds to the hardware signal.

 Kernel responsiveness is used as a measure to measure the real-time processing capacity of your system.

 e) Application Responsiveness:

 This value represents the highest time interval, in which the running application (processes) is recorded by the hardware signal.

 f) Memory Load:

You can see the percentage of RAM (RAM) being used by the running programs and operating system.

 Monitor RAM usage in real-time, view graph and history of usage
 For problems with systems, tests, and diagnostics RAM?  It's easy if you do it smartly

 2) System Info:

 This tab displays information about your system's hardware and operating system.

 2-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue
 Do you know what deep, dark secrets are hidden in your PC?

 3) Analysis Report:
 In WhySoSlow's Analysis Report, you can see the information on the problem that affects your system performance.

 Click on the Analyze button and wait for about a minute.  Then your system report will be ready, which can be viewed by scrolling below.  You can also save this report by clicking on the Save button.

 3-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue
 At the top of the report, you can see the important information on the operating system version, PC manufacturer, processor details.

 Scroll down to see more detail information.

 If you see signs of red trigger warning near a component, you do not need to take immediate action.

 For more information, click on the more info link.

 Find out about all the information about your system hardware and software

 4) Tools:
 4-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue Hindi
 The Tools tab provides access to many tools related to the performance of the system.

 a) Power Configuration:

 This option gives you quick access to the Power Configuration Control Panel of your system.  From here you can select Power Saving or High Performance.

 5-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue
 Here you can choose the power option for your PC.  Select 'Balanced' here.

 b) AntiFreeze Task Manager:

 You can access the AntiFreeze Task Manager from here.  In this, you can see an overview of all the processes so that you can terminate the processes consuming more CPU time and memory.

 6-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue

 c) Windows Task Manager:

 With this, you can access the task manager of Windows.  You can see which programs are using CPU time and memory most in Task Manager.

 7-WhySoSlow-WhySoSlow Computer Slow Issue Hindi

 d) Event Viewer:

 You can see the power event and other performance information in it.

 e) Remove programs from your computer that you are needed:

 This gives you access to the Add / Remove Programs feature in your system's control panel, from where you can uninstall programs you don't need.

 Uninstall any program easily and completely with these best free uninstall software

 f) Disk defragmenter and drive optimization:

 This gives you access to the Windows disk defragmentation tool.  Regular maintenance of your hard disk drive requires defragment.

 What is Disk Fragments?  How does disk defragmenting work?  If you want more information about this, click on this link.

 8-WhySoSlow- Computer Slow Issue Hindi
 This option opens your PC disk defragmenter.  Choose your first drive, then click on 'Analyze disk'. After scanning, you see what percentage fragment the drive is.  Click on Defragment disk.

 g) Put your computer to sleep:

 This puts your computer in sleep mode.  When you are not using your PC for some time, then you should put your PC in sleep mode to avoid the processor overheated.

  •  A brief guide to solve the most common computer problems on your own:

 A short guide to solve the most common computer problems on your own, whether you are working at home or in the office on a computer, troubleshooting PC problems has become a part of everyday life.  Even if you think your system is stable and secure, a PC can have thousands of problems, such as hardware failure, various error messages, malicious software, or sometimes just one cable is loose.

 What will you do at such a time?  Would you call an expert?  But wait!  Before you call a PC expert and pay for tech support, read this post.

 Here I have collected some common PC problems, which have been seen by many computer users.  I have tried my best to give their solutions so that you can solve the problems and save your money and time.

 1) Slow Computer:

 slow computer- Common PC Problems and their solutions This is the most common problem of all users.  You will remember the time when you bought your PC when it was giving its best performance.  But over time, the PC speed may decrease.  And it seems to take longer to boot, to open files or folders, to spend more time surfing the internet, to delay the user's response to the action and some other tasks.  However, there are some things that you can do to increase the speed of the computer.

 By following some simple tips, you can increase the speed of the PC and improve its performance.

 Go to my previous post "Quick fix tips that can speed up your computer" and follow some simple tips to increase the speed and performance of your PC.

 2) The computer improved turn on:

 Many times you press the power button and nothing happens and it is really like a nightmare for any user.  There can be two situations at this time -

 a) Computer shows no light:

 If your computer is not turning on and there is no light on the front of the computer cabinet, as well as the fan is not running, then surely one of the cord is loose here or the PC's power supply is dead  Are

 Step 1: First make sure all plugs are firmly in their sockets.

 Step 2: Check the power cord for a break or damage.  If there are damages, replace them.

 Step 3: If both are fine, then the problem may be in the power supply.  Check the PC's power supply (SMPS).

 b) Computer Starts but Monitor Remains Blank:

 In the second case, the computer starts and the light and fan are turned on, but the screen is blank and the PC does not even exist.

 To troubleshoot this problem, try the following -

 fit ram in motherboard- Common PC Problems and their solutions Step 1: Listen to the PC's beep sound, if the PC is continuously giving beep sound then the RAM inside the PC may be lost.  Remove the RAM and press and fit it into the motherboard again.  If the RAM is OK, check the video or graphic card.

 Step 2: Troubleshoot the blank monitor if the above steps do not solve the problems.  Connect another monitor to the computer, so that the device is in the system, it will be understood.

 Step 3: Check the video cable and video connectors.  If the video cable breaks, replace it.  Check whether the pin of the video connectors is straight or crooked, if it is crooked, straighten it.

 Step 4: Reset or update the BIOS.

 3) The Blue Screen of Death:

 Blue dead screen- Common PC Problems and their solutions Usually Blue Screen of Death (or BSOD) is a blue screen error message that is displayed after a system crash.  This is the worst error type of the computer and when it comes the error message can be very frustrating.  This error occurs in everyone from Windows 3.0 and 3.1 to the latest version.  A blue screen error message is called death because your computer almost freezes and a few times the system starts in normal mode after a reboot.

 There are many possible reasons for the Blue Screen of Death on your computer.  Here are some steps you can try.

 Step 1: Blue screen error message usually occurs during Windows update.  If this message arrives at the time of Windows update, go to the previous version.

 Step 2: Many times viruses can corrupt Windows files so that the window shows this error message.  Scan for viruses and malware.

 Step 3: If this error occurs while using the PC, then the PC's hardware such as RAM can be defective.  Sometimes new hardware connected to PC can also be the reason.  If you have recently connected a lot of new hardware to the PC, try it by turning on the PC.

 Step 3: Updating Windows or all Device Driver multiple times causes error of blue screen.

 Step 4: If any software or hardware changes or modifications have been done in the PC or any new software or hardware has been installed after which the error of the blue screen is coming, then remove them.

 Step 4: If your PC has a recent blue screen error, restart the computer and press 'F8' for the advanced options menu.  Then select the last known good configuration.  If this does not work, do System Restore.

 4) Computer hangs or freezes:

 It is also a common problem of PC.  Many times this is due to insufficient PC RAM.  So first of all check that your PC has enough RAM.

 When you are not giving any response, follow the steps of Nicholas -

 Method 1: At Startup

 The most common reasons for hanging on PC startup are:

 If an external device is connected to the PC, disconnect it and start the PC.

 Updating your PC's firmware and device drivers should be your first action.  Many times this update resolves the problem of PC hang.

 If you have recently changed PC, after which PC hangs, use System Restore to solve this problem.

 Method 2: Random Hang

 If your PC is hanging randomly, it could be due to damaged system files, software compatibility, or damage registry.  You can repair system files using the System Update Readiness Tool, the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, or System File Checker (SFC).

 If you have recently installed some software or driver and after this, the PC hangs, then remove this software or driver.  In addition, you can bring PCs to the working state using System Restore.

 If the registry is damaged then restore or refresh the system to restore Windows.

 Method 3: Due to Hardware Issues

 If Chkdsk is running while starting Windows, then it can be a sign of hard disk failure.  Let Windows check the disk so that it can repair file system errors, but this can take a long time.  To manually check the hard disk, run Chkdsk from the command prompt utility.  If this does not solve the problem, then it is time to change the hard disk.

 Which device does your computer fail that you lose everything?  This is a hard disk.  There are many reasons for hard failure - a power failure, overheating, mechanical or internal failure  Retrieving data is very expensive and there is no guarantee.  But if a hard drive predicts a malfunction, then you can probably save your precious data by saving another wake before it gets delayed.  Not all hard disks suddenly crash and you may have time to back up your data.

 In Windows 7 and 8 you can manually check the health of the hard disk by WMIC.

 Enter wmic type in command prompt. Wmic_command-tools to prevent hard drive failure
 Then type "disk drive get status" and enter.
 Everything is fine if you get Ok's message, otherwise, the hard disk has some problems in retrieving the SMART information.
 In Windows, you can check the error using the error-checking tool.  Right-click on the drive you want to check - Properties - Tools - Click Check now.
 But now there are many programs available which take care of the health status of your hard drive and give immediate warning when problems arise.  Here you will learn about the 4 best and free programs.

 1) CrystalDiskInfo:

 crystal disk info-Tools To Prevent Hard Drive Failure HindiCrystalDiskInfo is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid State Drive utility software that supports SMART-.

 S.M.A.R.T.  meaning -

 Supports a part of external USB disks

 Monitoring health status and temperature

 Alert Mail

 Graph of S.M.A.R.T.  information

 Control AAM / APM settings

 This free system utility monitors the health and status of your drives and displays information in a compact, easy-to-read interface.  If the temperature or the health of the hard drive is failing, it can warn you.  It also tells you about the number of hours spent on starting the hard disk.

 2) HD Tune:

 HD_Tune-Tools To Prevent Hard Drive Failure HindiHD Tune measures the performance of the drive, closely checks errors, checks the health status (SMART), erases all data safely, and more.  Free version of HD Tune gives you enough facilities to drive's performance, retrieves SMART and error scan.

 3) HDDScan:

 HDD Scan is a test tool for your hard disk.  It scans the surface of the drive and collects extremely useful information and gives it to you.  HDDScan can be useful for regular "health testing" of hard drive performance.  It can predict the loss of health of the drive.  It is very small in size and has bad blocks, bad sectors, and S.M.A.R.T.  Testing of attributes is useful.

 Additionally, it monitors the hard disk temperature and displays graphs of each test.  It supports RAID arrays, Flash USB and SSD drives.

 4) DiskCheckup:

 DiskCheckup is free for personal use.  This allows the user to place a gene on the SMART attributes of the particular hard disk drive.

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